Vision to Reality

Full Stack web and mobile app development

Turn your web or mobile app concept into a thriving app with my full-stack expertise



  • React JS
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Tailwind


  • Node JS
  • Express
  • Python-Django
  • Python-Flask
  • Fast API

Mobile Development

  • React Native
  • Flutter


  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • SQLite

Server and deployement

  • GCP
  • AWS
  • Google PUB/SUB
  • AWS Lambda
  • GCP Cloude Run

About me

Hi there! I’m Abrar, I specialize in turning ideas into reality through expert full-stack development.

Over the past 3+ years, I’ve been dedicated to helping clients achieve their digital aspirations with exceptional web and mobile apps. My role? Transforming brilliant concepts into seamless, functional solutions that not only captivate users but also empower businesses.

What sets me apart is that I bring a comprehensive skill set covering both front-end elegance and back-end strength. From the initial brainstorming phase to the post-launch support, I’m your close partner, ensuring your vision materializes flawlessly.

What defines my approach? Meticulousness and an unwavering commitment to quality. Every line of code I write reflects this dedication, resulting in apps that aren’t just functional, but truly exceptional.

Ready to turn your digital dreams into reality? Let’s have a conversation. I’m your trusted ally in the app-building journey, prepared to guide you from inspiration to flawless execution.

Works With

Portfolio & Projects


Abrar is a very talented developer. We would have kept working with him, but our development priorities changed. We will definitely be looking to work with him in the future. We recommend him for your web design work

Mystery Person

Abrar is very meticulous and hard working. His frontend skillsets are really great. This is my second time working with him and he delivered what he promised. Surely working with him again !!

Mystery Person
Shrikant varanasi

Abrar has helped us improve the python codebase. Abrar has good knowledge of python and best practices. I would recommend him for python related work

Mystery Person
Vishnu Prasad
Architect & DevOps Practice Lead

I’m working with Abrar for over a year. Abrar always over-delivers on the work he is assigned. On top of that, he is available literally 24/7.

If bugs arise on a coding project, he will fix them within minutes (even if it is a weekend and late at night). It’s hard to find a coder who puts as much effort and energy into his craft as Abrar.

What makes Abrar additionally unique, next to his great character and coding mastery, is his knowledge of design and his ability to integrate into a team.

I can recommend everyone to work with Abrar who is looking to find a competent coder that really cares about building high-quality products.

Mystery Person
Florian Wuest

Let’s Build Something

I’m thrilled that you’ve made it this far! Whether you have a project in mind, need a consultation, or simply want to say hello, I’m here to listen and collaborate. Use the form below to share your ideas, challenges, or questions, and I promise to get back to you as swiftly as possible.


Full Stack Development

Passionate full-stack developer with experience of building robust, scalable web applications. I specialize in  JavaScript, React, Node.js, etc. and am committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet your business needs.

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